Holiday Hazards for Pets & Top Gift Suggestions

Originally Published: Dec 15, 2021 / Updated: December 4, 2023 Every year we get the opportunity to celebrate many holidays with our pets, which includes lots of food, gifts, and the excitement of gathering with loved ones. With all this activity, it's important to ensure we’re taking some extra precautions for the paws underfoot. To give you some peace of mind when preparing for holiday festivities with your pet, we’re sharing some of our top tips on how to keep pets safe, plus a few gift ideas when you're shopping for a special cat or dog in your life. Mind the Decorations From hanging ornaments to lit candles, both the appearance and presence of your favourite decorations might lead your pet to think of them as toys or things to be chewed on. Here are some common items to watch for: Wrapping, ribbons, tinsel, lights, and small ornaments: If consumed, these may cause your pet to choke or have an internal blockage. Glass and metal hooks: Put delicate items up high to avoid breaks, as these items could cause a nasty scratch or puncture to your pet. Electrical wires: Many animals are prone to chewing on cords, which can lead to electrical shock, burns, and blockages if ingested. Christmas trees and standing displays: Curious pets, [...]