Join Our Board of Directors


Applications to join our Board of Directors are currently closed. Recruitment runs from September-January. Please check back later for new opportunities!

The Board of Directors for the Edmonton Humane Society (EHS) is currently seeking nominees to join a diverse group of members who collaboratively contribute to the Society’s commitment to enrich the lives of people and companion animals through animal sheltering, programs and services, and community engagement. You can meet our current Board members here.

The Board of Directors at EHS is a governance board, with up to a maximum of 15 members. The Board defines the organization’s vision and mission, provides strategic direction, sets priorities and exercises its fiduciary responsibility. The Board delegates responsibility for daily operations and our employees to our CEO.

Directors serve for a two-year term, with the opportunity for re-election for a maximum of three additional terms (8 years in total). The time commitment is approximately 10-15 hours a month, and Directors are expected to serve on at least one Board Committee. Directors should be Edmonton and area residents and must become a voting member of the Society.

If this unique opportunity is a fit and is of interest, please submit a covering letter and resume to Please ensure you highlight past board governance experience and how you are a fit with the needs of the EHS Board of Directors.

Questions, inquiries, or interested in joining us? Email