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Setting Our Sights on Our Next Strategic Plan

Setting Our Sights on Our Next Strategic Plan

We’re seeking input from our community on EHS’ future

Four years ago, we set out to achieve an ambitious 2020 – 2024 Strategic Plan. But as the saying goes, “the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” We had no idea what the world would be facing just a few short months later. Despite having to pivot how we do our work countless times through the pandemic, we’ve been able to make incredible strides towards our goals – with your support.

Though we’re not quite at the finish line yet – and we’ll have more to share and celebrate when our 2020 – 2024 Strategic Plan comes to a close – we’re already thinking ahead to what’s next. Once again, we’re calling on our community to provide feedback on how we can continue to improve and evolve at the Edmonton Humane Society (EHS).

We could not do what we do without our community, including our staff and volunteers, donors and board members, our partners in the field of animal welfare, those who attend our events and utilize our many programs and services, and of course, the families who have opened their hearts and homes by adopting a new furry or feathered companion. You are the backbone of our mission to enrich the lives of people and companion animals.

The experiences and perspectives of each person connected to EHS can help us understand what we’ve done well, where we can improve and what we need to do next. This collective knowledge is invaluable as we set our sights on the next strategic plan.

To facilitate this collective effort, we’ve partnered with Y Station Communications & Research to survey our community for feedback, with invitations being sent out next week. Following the survey, we’ll be seeking more in-depth input through focus groups and individual interviews. From past experiences to your vision for our future, every response will be crucial in shaping our strategies.

The insights we gather will play a pivotal role in guiding our team and Board of Directors as we set priorities and strategies for the next chapter of EHS. With our community, we will continue to strengthen and improve to serve both animals in need and the people who care for them.

Keep an eye on our blog or join our mailing list for updates as we embark on this collaborative journey throughout this year. Your voice is the driving force behind our mission, and we’re eager to hear from you!

Thank you for being an integral part of the EHS community.

Liza Sunley, Certified Animal Welfare Administrator (CAWA)
Edmonton Humane Society

If you have questions about our strategic plan or are interested in providing your feedback and did not receive a survey invitation, please email