Summer Appeal


Over the course of August, we’re sharing some recent stories from the Edmonton Humane Society. Some of these stories are heart-wrenching, but important to hear – and we’ll provide good news and updates along the way.

It’s stories like these that remind us why we do what we do. Please, consider making a donation to the Edmonton Humane Society today.

A New Beginning for Venus: From Abandoned to Adored

Alone, scared, and injured — that’s how Venus’ adoption journey began.

Last October, a partner agency brought us an extremely timid, 5-year-old short-haired Chihuahua named Venus. Found abandoned in a neighbouring industrial area, Venus had been left to fend for herself for an entire month. She arrived at the Edmonton Humane Society in dire need of help.

It’s hard to imagine how frightening it was for Venus to be alone. Her survival is a testament to her resilience.

Venus’ body condition was poor. She couldn’t bear any weight on her back right leg, keeping it tightly tucked against her body. Spots of alopecia and other signs of neglect were evident. Our medical team assessed her condition and determined that amputation of her injured leg was necessary.

Removing a limb is never an easy decision, but our team was committed to ensuring Venus had the best chance at a happy, fulfilling life.

After her surgery, Venus needed time to adjust. She was placed in a foster home to heal. Venus adapted remarkably well and began to show signs of comfort and happiness. The daily care her foster guardians provided was crucial to her recovery.

A short time after being admitted, Venus was ready for adoption.

Today, Venus is thriving in her new, loving home, where she continues to lead a full and joyful life despite her leg amputation. Her transformation is proof of the power of compassionate care and the impact of your support.

Getting a Second Chance at Life: Snickers the Hedgehog

Eyesight is something most of us take for granted — and Snickers was at risk of losing his.

Imagine struggling to see. Something Snickers, a 2-year-old male hedgehog, endured before he was surrendered to the Edmonton Humane Society last fall.

When he arrived, Snickers was huffing, nervous, and in pain. His life had taken a challenging turn.

An unexpected injury left him with a painful and serious condition in his left eye. Our team of dedicated veterinarians assessed the situation and determined that Snickers needed an eye enucleation to relieve his suffering.

Eye enucleation is a delicate and complex procedure that involves the removal of the injured eye. Because it’s a process that requires advanced speciality medical equipment, we worked with a partner veterinarian clinic to assist with Snickers’ operation.

For Snickers, it meant a new beginning—one filled with uncertainty, but also with hope.

Thanks to the generous support of donors, we were able to provide Snickers with the critical surgery he needed. Your donations helped cover the costs of the surgery, the specialized post-operative care, and the ongoing rehabilitation he required.

Today, Snickers is adjusting to his new life with resilience and bravery. He’s learning to navigate his surroundings with one less eye but with the same vibrant spirit. He’s finding joy in the little things again, thanks to the compassionate care he received. And he’s a testament to what can be achieved with your support.

A Story of Resilience: Aslan the Cat

Aslan’s story began in the harsh, unrelenting cold of last winter. This 3 year-old Siamese mix male cat whose journey from the cold streets to the Edmonton Humane Society, embodies resilience and the transformative power of what your donations can provide.

Aslan was transferred to us by a partner agency. He was struggling to survive in freezing temperatures that had left him with severe frostbite on his ears.

Our medical team discovered his tail also succumbed to the extreme temperatures. His once-fluffy tail, a symbol of his playful nature, was amputated due to the damage. The amputation site had to be monitored closely to ensure no infection occurred.

Aslan was also suffering from gingivitis and was limping on his right hind leg, a painful reminder of the harsh life he had endured before arriving at EHS. Yet, despite all this, his spirit remained uncrushed.

His transformation from a cold, injured stray to a cherished member of our shelter family was nothing short of miraculous. Once Aslan was well enough, he was adopted into a new, loving home. Today, Aslan’s gentle purrs and affectionate headbutts speak volumes about his warm heart.

Even with his injuries, Aslan displayed a boundless capacity for love and joy. He is a living testament to the fact that no matter how harsh the past, a loving spirit can shine brightly thanks to our caring supporters.

But Aslan’s story is not just about his past struggles; it’s about his hopeful future and the many other animals who, like him, are in need of care and support.

Wendy’s Path to Healing: Learning to Trust

Wounded, fearful, and wary. That is how Wendy, a 4-year-old English Bulldog, arrived at the Edmonton Humane Society. She was suffering with multiple conditions needing immediate attention.

Wendy was seized from poor living conditions and an impoverished environment by a partner agency this past winter. Our intake team noted that she was unwell. Her front paw was wounded. She was suffering with an ear infection and an aural hematoma.

An aural hematoma is an accumulation of blood within the ear, typically a consequence of trauma. If left untreated, the ear’s appearance and function could become impacted. Our medical team acted quickly to perform surgery, draining the aural hematoma and treating the underlying ear infection.

She was skittish and startled easily, her trust in the world shaken by her past. To ensure Wendy was set up for success before finding her new home, our behaviour specialist provided training. Her confidence began to grow.

Despite her difficult past, Wendy’s spirit remained resilient. Her journey has been one of learning to trust.

Wendy is still on a path to recovery, but she has made incredible progress. After five months of treatment and training at EHS, she found a calm and patient family to provide the care and support she deserves.

We rely on the generosity of animal lovers like you to continue our mission and provide life changing care to animals. Your donations help fund medical treatments, food, shelter and rehabilitation for these innocent souls who have faced unimaginable hardship.

Your contribution can make a significant difference:

  • $29 provides dog food for a week
  • $130 can provide basic medical care
  • $280 supports life-saving surgeries