Donate in Tribute


Donate in Memory or Honour of

  • You can make tribute donations in memory, honour, or celebration of people or pets.
  • A card/acknowledgement of the donation will be sent to the recipient of your choice if we are provided with their contact information.
  • Donations of $20 or more will be eligible for a tax receipt.

Use the form below to make a tribute donation and receive an e-card from the Edmonton Humane Society to acknowledge your contribution.

How to Donate in Tribute

  • Sending payment in the mail along with the tribute information to 13620 163 St NW, Edmonton AB T5V 0B2.
  • Calling the Fund Development office directly at (780) 491-3507 and giving your credit card and tribute information over the phone.
  • Online using your credit card. After you provide your personal information, there will be a page to fill out the tribute information.
  • Coming to the shelter and making the donation in person.

Where Your Tax Deductible Donation Goes

  • To help the thousands of homeless, abused and abandoned animals that EHS takes in every year
  • To help cover the cost of veterinary care that all animals receive during their stay at the Shelter
  • To help provide daily enrichment to our shelter animals, such as toys, socialization activities and behaviour modification sessions
  • Provide education programs to thousands of adults and children in the community