Young Readers Program

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This 45-minute program is designed for children who will learn how to be “animal friends” through the power of a story that teaches how to interact appropriately with animals. Each book brings to life themes of empathy and caring for living beings.

Children will also engage in a short activity about animal safety and how to appropriately interact with a pet.

Themes covered: Empathy, Animal Safety, Animal Behaviour and Communication, Respect, Teasing, Compassion, Feelings & Interacting with Animals Appropriately.

Best Curriculum Fit

  • Oral Language: Children explore listening and speaking skills through a variety of literacy experiences.
  • Comprehension: Children demonstrate understandings of messages communicated in texts.
  • Character Development: Children describe personal characteristics and explore feelings and emotions.

  • Oral Language: Students develop listening and speaking skills through sharing stories and information.
  • Comprehension: Students investigate meaning communicated in texts.
  • Character Development: Students examine personal characteristics, feelings, and emotions and explore understanding of self.

  • Oral Language: Students examine and adjust listening and speaking to communicate effectively.
  • Comprehension: Students examine and apply a variety of processes to comprehend texts.
  • Character Development: Students examine roles, responsibilities, and self-regulation and their connections to self-understanding.

  • Oral Language: Students examine and apply listening and speaking skills, processes, or strategies in a variety of formal and informal interactions.
  • Comprehension: Students analyze text and make connections to personal experiences to support meaning.
  • Living Systems: Students analyze and describe how plants and animals interact with each other and within environments.

  • Oral Language: Students examine and demonstrate how listening and speaking support connections and clarify understandings.
  • Comprehension: Students investigate strategies and connections that support text comprehension.
  • Character Development: Students interpret how resilience and perseverance can be influenced by a variety of life experiences.

  • Oral Language: Students investigate how oral language can be designed to communicate ideas and information.
  • Character Development: Students reflect and relate life experiences to perseverance and well-being.
  • Healthy Relationships: Students acknowledge and connect perspectives of self and others through communication and listening skills.

  • Oral Language: Students connect the quality and efficacy of oral communication to oral language skills.
  • Character Development: Students connect strategies for well-being to life opportunities and lifelong learning.
  • Healthy Relationships: Students consider and describe a variety of perspectives that support the development of healthy relationship